Redesign of Roll Former Satisfies Form and Function
- Posted On: 6/9/11
- Posted By: Kulp's of Stratford

During the winter of 2010 - 2011, Marathon Metals staff completed a redesign of our roll former, which we have utilized for the past 10 years to form standing seam roofing panels for hundreds of projects. The sleek new look incorporates the logos for our companies, Kulp's of Stratford, Marathon Metals, and Marathon Solar Roofing, and includes two photos of one of our most photogenic of projects, a beautiful log home with a Marathon Metals standing seam roof located on a lake in Vilas County.
Mike Kulp and Keith Kuehmichel were responsible for the ingenious design and fabrication of the aluminum covers, which protect the roll forming equipment, provide an aerodynamic shroud and rolling billboard during transport, and are easily lifted away to allow access to the material and equipment inside. Come rain, snow, or wind, our roll forming equipment can now more easily be transported to your neighborhood to produce metal panels for our next roofing project.